News & Events

Discussion and Industrial Training assessment with Aropak Sdn Bhd,

Discussion and Industrial Training assessment with Aropak Sdn Bhd,

We participated in a productive online discussion with Aropak Sdn Bhd, where the performance of student Nurul Nabihah during her industrial training at Aropak was evaluated. Accompanied by industry supervisor Mr. Mujawiddin, the session was concluded with the presentation of the MSc Chemical Analytics (Mixed Mode) and MSc Occupational Safety and Health (Coursework) programs, showcasing exciting collaborations for academic and industrial excellence!

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Discussion with Mr. Luqman Hakim from Palmaju Edible Oil Sdn Bhd (alumnus of BAppSc Material Technology with Honours).

A morning chat with Mr. Luqman Hakim from Palmaju Edible Oil Sdn Bhd (alumnus of BAppSc Material Technology with Honours). The discussion revolves around the development of FIST students, research collaboration, promotion of the MSc Chemical Analytics (Mixed Mode) and MSc OSH (coursework) programs. May collaboration be established for the benefit of both sides.


A discussion with Ms. Rasyidah Rohani, Quality Assurance Executive at Scientex Packaging Malaysia Berhad

A discussion with Ms. Rasyidah Rohani, Quality Assurance Executive at Scientex Packaging Malaysia Berhad. She is an alumna of the inaugural batch of the BAppSc Material Technology with Honours program. Ms. Rasyidah will be sharing various insightful tips to guide students in preparing themselves for the industrial market through upcoming TikTok videos. Let's look forward to it together!

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Kembara Prihatin @ Tuaran, Sabah.

Temui Saudari Nurfatin Nabilah Binti Abdul Hafidz (Pelajar Tahun 4 BAppSc Material Technology with Honours) dan Fatin Najihah Binti Mislin (Pelajar Tahun 4 Bac. OSH with Honours) di Kampung Kiwatu @ Roun dan Batangan pada 27 Februari hingga 3 Mac 2024 dalam misi Kembara Prihatin @ Tuaran, Sabah.

Mereka akan berkongsi pengalaman mereka sepanjang bergelar mahasiswa FSTI, UMPSA kepada anak-anak di Sabah di dalam satu slot khas.

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Promosi program pengajian di Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang

Terima kasih warga KMPh di atas sambutan yang amat baik! Sampai berjumpa lagi di masa akan datang.

Jemput bertanya jika ada soalan di mana-mana topik yang berkaitan

Promosi program pengajian di Sekolah Sukan Malaysia Pahang

Promosi program pengajian di Sekolah Sukan Malaysia Pahang

Dr Shamsul dan Dr @hafizmazwir berada di Sekolah Sukan Malaysia Pahang untuk berkongsi maklumat bersama para pelajar Pra-Universiti KPM-MSN dan calon SPM berkaitan peluang menyambung pengajian peringkat (i) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Gunaan Teknologi Bahan dengan Kepujian, (ii) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Gunaan Kimia Industri dengan Kepujian, (iii) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Gunaan Bioteknologi Industri dengan Kepujian, (iv) Ijazah Sarjana Muda Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan dengan Kepujian, (v) Diploma Sains Industri, dan (vi) Diploma Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan.

Selamat maju jaya anak-anak didik semua!






The coordination meeting between the Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology (FSTI), Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) and Kazakh National Agrarian University (KazNARU) was successfully held on 1st February 2024. The session was primarily set to exchange information and discuss the matter related to the collaboration project and was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Ruzaimi Bin Mat Rejab, director of the Centre for Strategic Academic Collaboration (PKSA), UMPSA. FSTI which was represented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aizi Nor Mazila Binti Ramli (Dean), Ts. Dr. Hanida Binti Abdiul Aziz (Deputy dean of academic & student affairs) and Dr. Nazira Binti Mahmud (Head of programme Industrial Biotechnology) had a productive discussion related to students’ updates, curriculum structure and other matters of UMPSA-KazNARU dual degree academic operations. KazNARU which was represented by Prof. Dr. Rafis Abazov, director of the International Institute for Green and Sustainable Development, and Mr. Yesbol Omirzhanov, head of the international office have expressed the same goal in ensuring the smoothness of the programme. The faculty management is positive that this program will sustain and could help the University in exploring more potential collaboration with Central to North Asia.

Prepared by: Dr. Nazira Mahmud

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Global Classroom "Exploring Organic Chemistry Applications" provides exposure to aspiring young scientists in the Industrial Biotechnology Program, Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology.

The "Exploring Organic Chemistry Applications" global classroom program, held on January 11, 2024, was a resounding success, bringing together a diverse audience interested in the applications of organic chemistry in biotechnology especially students taking Organic Chemistry course in Semester 1 2023/2024 and participation from international participants from Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (UNISA). The program, organized by Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, UMPSA with the support from Centre of Instructional Resources & e-Learning (CIReL), UMPSA featured three distinguished speakers who shared their expertise on various facets of organic chemistry and its practical implications.

The program covered a wide range of topics, from the intricate process of Kombucha Tea Fermentation to turning biotech ideas into reality and exploring the applications of fermentation in agriculture, specifically focusing on the production of ecoenzymes.

The speakers, Miss Sharfina Mutia Syarifah (UNISA), Dr. Dinar Mindrati Fardhani (UNISA), and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nina Suhaity Azmi (UMPSA), brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the program. Their presentations not only conveyed scientific insights but also provided practical perspectives, inspiring participants to think critically about the applications of organic chemistry.

Each speaker session was followed by interactive Q&A sessions, allowing participants to seek clarification, share their thoughts, and engage in meaningful discussions. The active participation of attendees added depth to the program.

The presentations left participants inspired and motivated to explore new avenues within the realm of organic chemistry and biotechnology. The emphasis on practical applications and real-world challenges provided valuable insights for those considering careers or research in the field. Positive feedback and appreciation expressed from participants for the insightful presentations and the opportunity to connect with experts globally.

The success of this event sets a positive precedent for future endeavors, highlighting the potential for continued collaboration and knowledge-sharing on a global scale.


Berita disediakan oleh Dr. Noor Diana Binti Abdul Majid, Pensyarah Kanan FSTI.

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Hari Keluarga dan Majlis Makan Malam Program Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSH) 2023

Pada 13 Januari 2024 (Sabtu) telah berlangsung Hari Keluarga dan Majlis Makan Malam Program Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSH) 2023. Program tahunan ini telah dianjurkan dengan kerjasama pelajar-pelajar Tahun 2 Diploma dan Sarjana Muda Program Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (OSH) UMPSA. Program ini bertujuan untuk memupuk ukhuwah dan membina semangat kerjasama antara pelajar dan staf serta meraikan pelajar tahun akhir yang akan menjalani Latihan Industri pada semester berikutnya sebelum menamatkan pengajian di UMPSA sebagai kenang-kenangan. Program terbahagi kepada dua sesi iaitu Hari keluarga pada sebelah siang dan Majlis Makan Malam, telah berlangsung meriah dan diisi dengan aktiviti-aktiviti menarik dan menghiburkan.

Hari Keluarga telah berlangsung seawal 7.30 pagi bertempat di Stadium Mini UMPSA Gambang dan dimulakan dengan acara Zumba dan Tarik tali sebelum pelajar bergerak Ke Ruang Legar Blok W melalui acara Briskwalk “5000 steps” di laluan yang ditetapkan. Setelah tiba, acara diteruskan dengan Pertandingan Memasak, Treasure Hunt, Pertandingan Mewarna dan Sukan Rakyat seperti Batu seremban, Baling Selipar dan Origami yang turut disertai pelajar dan staf.

Pada sesi kedua, Majlis Makan Malam bermula pada jam 8.00 malam bertemakan “Sarong” bertempat di Astaka UMPSA Gambang, telah berlangsung dengan meriah dan warna-warni. Sesi majlis dimulakan dengan ucapan aluan daripada Pengarah Program Hari keluarga dan Majlis Makan Malam OSH, Cik Karmila Izz Zayani Binti S.M. Fadli. Seterusnya, telah berlangsung segmen belasungkawa bagi mengenang Arwah Ts. Encik Mohamad Ezuan Bin Abdul Jalil. Seisi dewan turut bersedih dan merasai kehilangan permata Program Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan UMPSA ini. Majlis kemudian diteruskan dengan ucapan ringkas daripada Ketua Program Sarjana Muda Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan, Dr. Mohd Shahril bin Abu Hanifah dan disusuli tayangan montaj, persembahan pelajar, sesi penyampaian hadiah bagi pertandingan-pertandingan semasa Hari Keluarga dan cabutan bertuah. Majlis diakhiri dengan sesi bergambar pada jam 10.45 malam.

Semoga program ini dapat diteruskan dan mendapat sokongan dimasa akan datang. Pihak program merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi tahniah dan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang terlibat secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung dalam menjayakan acara ini.

Berita disediakan oleh Cik Nurliyana Moh Hussin, Pensyarah Program Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan, UMPSA.

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FIST Postgraduate Workshop 4.0 No 4/2023 Proposal Defence and Pre-Viva: Recommendations and Expectations.

On 4th Jan, FIST Postgraduate Workshop 4.0 No 4/2023 titled "Research Design and Statistical Analysis" was held. Dr Junaidah Binti Zakaria was the speaker, with 30 postgraduate students in attendance. Dr Junaidah covered fundamental aspect of research design and provided practical insights into data collection method and statistical techniques. Dr Junaidah’s expertise, coupled with her effective communication skills, made the workshop and invaluable learning experience for the attendees.

Berita disediakan oleh Dr. Aini Norhidayah binti Mohamed, Pensyarah Kanan FSTI.

— Contact
Faculty of Industrial Sciences and Technology, UMPSA
26300 Gambang